From mill to bottle

Manufacturing process

The A1710 distillery has developed a manufacturing process
combining traditional methods with more recent ones.

The proximity of installations within the facility reduces the time required between each stage of the rum manufacturing process. This ensures the fresh hand-cut canes are pressed straight after the harvest. The result is a clean, ultra-fresh juice that you will want to drink as soon as it flows from the mill.

During the next few hours, this juice undergoes fermentation in refrigerated stainless steel vats with a controlled temperature of around 24° C.

At this temperature, the slow fermentation, spanning 3 to 5 days, will reveal a wide array of non-alcoholic markers with the finest and most enchanting aromas in the ethyl alcohol.
Once the fermentation process is complete, a wine emerges as a result of the yeasts absorbing almost all the sugars in the cane.

This cane wine with an alcohol content of 5 to 7 proof will be distilled in a still in the same way as during the first rum productions in the West Indies back in the 17th century.

The bottling process

As part of the distillation stage, the volatile aromatic compounds dissolve in the alcohol vapours as they travel through a small concentration column prior to entering a condenser, which returns them to the liquid state.

The rum, in both its liquid and gaseous states, comes into contact with copper appliances. Copper is paramount. It is the ultimate metal for blending and combining the aromatic components of ethyl alcohol and an enhancer of the valuable esters known to all producers of quality spirits.

Alcohol reduction, a delicate stage

Rum flows at a high level of approximately 68% alcohol content.

The final and most ‘traumatic’ stage for all spirits is the alcohol content reduction to achieve its marketable level. Reduction conducted through several small steps prevents stress and ensures a better dissolution of the water in the alcoholic medium.

This finished product is left to rest for 3 to 4 months before bottling.

The bottling process

The entire team contributes to the complete bottling process right up to the final packaging prior to commercialisation and dispatch preparations.

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Une expérience gustative

Toujours en quête d’innovation, soucieuse de son environnement et désireuse d’apporter une nouvelle expérience gustative aux amoureux des produits de terroir, la Distillerie A1710 présente quatre cuvées certifiées agriculture biologique.

Les quatre cuvées de La Perle Rare sont issues de nos parcelles de cannes bio situées à proximité de notre distillerie. Quatre variétés y sont plantées : la Canne R579 (Canne Rouge), la Canne B69-566 (Canne Bleue), la Canne B59-92 (Canne Roseau) et la Canne Cristalline.

Perle Rare R579

Perle Rare B69-566


Perle Rare

Perle Rare B 59 92 Recto_rhum_A1710_distillerie_martinique

Perle Rare

Perle Rare R 69 566 Canne Bleue Recto_rhum_A1710_distillerie_martinique

Perle Rare

Perle Rare Canne Cristalline Recto

Perle Rare

Une expérience gustative

Toujours en quête d’innovation, soucieuse de son environnement et désireuse d’apporter une nouvelle expérience gustative aux amoureux des produits de terroir, la Distillerie A 1710 présente quatre cuvées certifiées agriculture biologique.

Les quatre cuvées de La Perle Rare sont issues de nos parcelles de cannes bio situées à proximité de notre distillerie. Quatre variétés y sont plantées : la Canne R579 (Canne Rouge), la Canne B69-566 (Canne Bleue), la Canne B59-92 (Canne Roseau) et la Canne Cristalline.

Perle Rare R579

Perle Rare B69-566