Field cultivation

Trade winds and sea spray

The grounds of the Habitation du Simon faces the Atlantic Ocean and are swept by both trade winds and sea spray. A quality criterion according to the publications and memoirs of our elders.

Our crops are cultivated using only natural ingredients. The dung of our mules provides organic matter, and a nitrogenous nutrient supplement is introduced to the plot.

Procured from a certified ORGANIC farming supplier.
Sodding is managed by means of a ground cover consisting of cane straw from the previous harvest.

Potential rodents, avid consumers of sweet canes, are kept at bay by our environmentally friendly traps…

A virgin plot

The A1710 rum business is located at the heart of a 3-hectare domain where the cultivation of organic sugarcane was established, followed by the elaboration of its rum, its commercialisation, and overall management.

The sugarcane grows on a virgin plot of land that has not been cultivated for the last three generations.

The art of cutting

Cane cutting is performed by hand by people who have inherited their skills from their parents and grandparents. It is a very delicate task that requires great precision and constantly high levels of attention.

Cut cane stalks are tied in a bundle with cane leaves before being transported to the mill…

Mules in the fields

Meet our fellow mules, brothers born to a Highland mare and a Catalan donkey: Olé! They were shipped over from their native Ardèche in France, originating from a mule farm where Marie, the breeder, had already started breaking and training them.

The old days:
Our elders all had their mules to get around, go to work…

They are part of the Habitation du Simon’s daily life and are our mascots. Everyone is happy. The animals teach us patience, consistency, and movement precision, not to mention the most important value of all, respect, of course.

And nothing goes to waste… Their dung is used to fertilise the A1710 rums organic cane field.

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Perle Rare

Une expérience gustative

Toujours en quête d’innovation, soucieuse de son environnement et désireuse d’apporter une nouvelle expérience gustative aux amoureux des produits de terroir, la Distillerie A1710 présente quatre cuvées certifiées agriculture biologique.

Les quatre cuvées de La Perle Rare sont issues de nos parcelles de cannes bio situées à proximité de notre distillerie. Quatre variétés y sont plantées : la Canne R579 (Canne Rouge), la Canne B69-566 (Canne Bleue), la Canne B59-92 (Canne Roseau) et la Canne Cristalline.

Perle Rare R579

Perle Rare B69-566


Perle Rare

Perle Rare B 59 92 Recto_rhum_A1710_distillerie_martinique

Perle Rare

Perle Rare R 69 566 Canne Bleue Recto_rhum_A1710_distillerie_martinique

Perle Rare

Perle Rare Canne Cristalline Recto

Perle Rare

Une expérience gustative

Toujours en quête d’innovation, soucieuse de son environnement et désireuse d’apporter une nouvelle expérience gustative aux amoureux des produits de terroir, la Distillerie A 1710 présente quatre cuvées certifiées agriculture biologique.

Les quatre cuvées de La Perle Rare sont issues de nos parcelles de cannes bio situées à proximité de notre distillerie. Quatre variétés y sont plantées : la Canne R579 (Canne Rouge), la Canne B69-566 (Canne Bleue), la Canne B59-92 (Canne Roseau) et la Canne Cristalline.

Perle Rare R579

Perle Rare B69-566